DRM Provides the Necessary Assistance to Individuals in the Brockton Area and Neighboring Communities.
We work in collaboration with other ministries and organizations to implement programs for at-risk youth. We have food pantries on wheels that cater mostly to elders who are "independent" enough to live alone and to those who are homebound and immobile that may not have access to the different food pantries available in their area. We provide referral services to support trauma victims, battered and abused women and children.

Destiny Restored Ministries
We work on providing safe havens for these individuals. DRM also collaborates with other organizations to feed the homeless. In addition, we work with those who were previously incarcerated by providing them with counseling, mentorship, and job training.
We make it a point not to turn anyone away.
We help anyone and everyone that comes in our sphere, regardless of race or ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, and/or religion.

Ways to Help
DRM accepts all kinds of donations, big or small, whether it’s a one time gift, monthly, quarterly or annually. Every donation of time, talent or finances is equally important and it makes an incredible difference in restoring the lives of individuals.
Supporting Communities Abroad

- You can donate money- 100% of your donations goes to helping those in need
- Volunteer with us- Food pick up is on Thursday and Friday and delivery is every Saturday from 3-5 PM
- Attend our special events
- Support our fundraising efforts
- Follow us on facebook
- Subscribe to our blog
- Give a special donation
- Give gift cards (grocery stores and others)
- Volunteer
- Share our message (tell a friend)
- Attend our weekly bible study via conference Line 857-356-3133
- Join the team
Our Ministries
DRM partners with different ministries and organizations to provide assistance to individuals in the community. We offer a variety of programs.
The Mixed Institution of Jean Piaget of Gonaives (IMJPG) is a school that housed 150 students from Kindergarten to high school. DRM supports the school financially to help pay teachers' salary, and the day to day affairs of the school. DRM provides students with 2 sets of custom made uniforms at registration. A hot lunch is provided every day, free of charge for every student.

Composition notebooks, Lined Paper, Pens, Pencils, Art Supplies, Science Projects, Books (Bilingual Books, Haitian Creole and English or French) etc. To provide every student with the necessary tools to succeed in school. Please stop by our location if you would like to participate in the school supplies drive.
DRM partners with different ministries and organizations to provide assistance to individuals in the community. We offer a variety of programs.